Sorren Jao
Front-end & Back-end Programming Languages:
JavaScript (ES6), HTML, CSS, SQL, SQLite, Java, Python, C#, C++, PHP, Dart, Ruby
Database Systems & Version Control Systems:
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Git, GitKraken, phpMyAdmin, ChromaDB
YOLO Object Detection, Llama, vaderSentiment, Sentiment
Quality Assurance & Debug Tools
Mocha, Chai, Cypress, Jest
Frameworks & Libraries:
Node.js, React.js, Ajax, Express, EJS, Javascript Frameworks, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, SASS/SCSS, Leaflet, TensorFlow, Pandas, Android Libraries, Flutter Libraries, Processing, LangChain
UX Design Tools:
Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign
Content Management Systems
Joomla!, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
Data Processing Tools:
D3.js, Vega.js, Vega-lite.js, Matplotlib Pyplot, Seaborn, Pandas, Numpy, Tableau (Software)
Full-stack developer skilled in coding scalable, responsive web applications with JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Express and other modern frameworks. Experienced in SQL databases like PostgreSQL and SQLite, focusing on performance optimization and web security. Committed to computer science, solving complex data sets, learning the software development lifecycle, and contributing to a collaborative, fast-paced team-based culture. Eager to contribute and expand in the skills of TypeScript, cloud computing (such as AWS, MongoDB, and Azure), DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, docker, NoSQL, and microservices.